General Information

Is there a lost & found?

Yes, Kelder's Farm has a lost and found located in the Farm Market. If you've lost something, please ask a Kelder's Farm employee if they have your item. If they haven't found it yet, you can leave your contact information with them or email us.

By |2024-08-09T13:17:25-04:00August 9, 2024|, |Comments Off on Is there a lost & found?

Is admission required to access the farm market, taproom, food and drink area of the farm?

No, admission is not required to access the food and drink area of the farm. You can freely visit and shop in the farm market, as well as visit the taproom and order food without paying any admission fee. However, if you'd like to explore the pick-your-own fields or the farmyard attractions, you will need to purchase admission.

By |2024-08-09T12:12:30-04:00May 12, 2022||0 Comments

Are you open rain or shine?

We're open rain or shine! While a little drizzle won't dampen our spirits, please note that some activities may be affected by inclement weather. If severe weather forces us to close early, we want to make sure you still get to enjoy the farm. Just head to the Farm Market before you leave, and we'll happily provide you with a [...]

By |2024-08-09T11:52:22-04:00May 12, 2022||0 Comments

Can I bring my dog or pet to the farm?

Leashed pets are welcome in the farmyard activity area and parking lot. However, due to food safety regulations, pets (except for registered service dogs) are not permitted in the picking fields, orchard, or farm market. We kindly request that you consider leaving your pets at home if possible. Please do not leave any animals unattended in vehicles, especially in hot [...]

By |2024-08-09T11:29:37-04:00May 12, 2022|, |0 Comments
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