Learning about Agriculture!

Fun Educational Field Trips!
Extend learning with a visit to nature’s classroom!

School Field Trips

School field trips offered April–October.

Kelder’s Farm: Where Learning Grows!

Step onto Kelder’s Farm and watch your students’ eyes light up with wonder. Agriculture, nature, and fun become a hands-on classroom unlike any other! Our educational school field trips, meticulously tailored to K-12 curriculum, are bursting with engaging activities that bring learning to life.

We tailor each tour to be age-appropriate and relevant to your students’ recent classroom topics. A day on our farm is an exciting learning experience for children of all ages, chaperones, and teachers alike! After their visit, students will leave with a deeper understanding of the farming way of life and where their food comes from.

During their tour, students will:

  • Get a firsthand look at how fruits and vegetables are grown and harvested
  • Meet all kinds of friendly farm animals
  • Enjoy a hayride behind one of our tractors
  • Go home with farm-fresh produce and memories that will last a lifetime

Field Trip Availability

Spring: End of April through June

Fall: September and October

Our dates tend to fill up quickly, book online!

School Field Trips Include:

  • All 30+ available Attractions!

  • A Hayride around the farm!

  • Picking of 1 Crop in Season or other available produce for each student to take home!

  • We are happy to give any educational talk that the staff would like about our family farm & agriculture!

  • Paid School Staff are free, Parent chaperones are $8 per person for admission to the farm. Pumpkins or apples are not included. Additional siblings in attendance that are 3 years or older will need to have their admission purchased ahead of time online or at the door*

Spring Field Trips

End of April – June
$12 per student
 U-pick experience! included for each student:
  • April or Early May: U-cut Tulips 
  • Mid-end of May: 4 pack of flowers or plant
  • June: Strawberry picking or Sugar snap peas picking 
Paid School Staff are FREE
$8 per Parent Chaperone
Apple picking

Fall Field Trips

September 8th – October 31st
September Pricing
$10 per student
Pick pumpkins or apples
$14 per student
Pick Both (apples & pumpkins)!

October Pricing

$12 per student
Pick pumpkins or apples
$16 per student
Pick Both (apples & pumpkins)!

Paid School Staff are FREE

$8 per Parent Chaperone